Natural Awakenings Oct 2022 Issue

EmBODYment Playshop Begins in October

Merging gentle healing modalities of Network Spinal chiropractic and Reiki energy healing, Kumari Mullin (Kumari Healing) and Dr. Suzanne McBride created the EmBODYment playshop which will be offered on Saturdays, October 8 and December 3. “It's the perfect recipe for deep relaxation and subtle body integration so you can live more freely in your body, and more fully from your Soul,” says Mullin.

A recent participant shares: "Kumari and Suzanne together were incredible! Their presence created such a sacred and safe space. A year of back pain was drastically reduced; I have better energy and feel lighter: more like myself." 

According to Mullin the combination is profoundly effective. "Embodied spirituality regards the body as the home of the Divine Human, a source of spiritual insight and pivotal for enduring spiritual transformation. The relationship with your body is one you cannot leave out if you want to align deeply with your soul purpose," says Mullin.

“Past traumas leave a restrictive imprint on the nervous system, blocking your life force and healing mechanisms,” explains Dr. McBride. “Many live their whole lives disconnected from their bodies, missing out on its innate healing intelligence.”

Through chanting, meditation, sound healing, somatic awareness, and hands-on Network Spinal and Reiki healing, playshop participants easily release restrictive patterns that cause discomfort, creating more spaciousness and flow so they can ultimately integrate and “emBODY their Soul-full Self.”

See full Natural Awakenings Oct 2022 Issue click here

See full Natural Awakenings Oct 2022 Issue click here
