This past week I was at a family reunion. It was the first one organized in my lifetime and it was amazing!! As I looked around the room of freckle faced, light skinned, light eyed semi clones that had gathered from all over the country, it got me thinking about interconnectedness on a new level. Just how closely tied to the generations that came before us and the generations of the future are we? Questions like that one, led me to a fascinating website by Dr. Judith Rich about healing for 7 generations.
Dr. Judith Rich – Healing the Wounds of Your Ancestors
What I learned from Dr. Judith is that the work you do at CS to heal yourself is powerful beyond the personal results and benefits you receive.
As a member of the NWC community you have the ability to change the script. You can chose to hold on to old wounds, or you can chose to heal yourself and others. By participating in healing at NWC you are making a conscious decision to not only heal yourself, but heal the universal self, past present and future. I am so proud of you and I am here to serve in the best of my ability to create a brighter, happier universe.
In the spirit of re-connecting and re-vitalizing there have been some powerfully transformative entrainments in the office this summer and I want to applaud all the practice members that are honoring themselves and healing.
The giving and receiving of Network Spinal Analysis and Somato Respiratory Integration provides your system with the intelligence it needs to find peace and balance, you make powerful shifts and changes, and that is brave!