Dr. Suzanne McBride D.C. practices a gentle, non-invasive technique called Network Spinal Analysis. She is a no crack chiropractor; But truthfully her work goes far beyond the physical body. She is a bridge between healthcare and personal transformation and her vehicles are neurology, energy and breathwork.
Her passion is to help people become free from pain and liberated from their past. Work with Dr Suzanne if you want to grow, learn and feel great in your body. From there you can create the life of your dreams.
Network Spinal Analysis has gained notoriety and public support from Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Dr Candice Perth and most recently was featured on Gwenth Paltrow’s GOOP lab (episode 5)on NETFLIX. Dr Suzanne is current and up to date with the training it takes to be masterful at network spinal analysis. It is her honor and privilege to support you on your health and wellness journey. Be ready- shift happens- physical, emotional, mental and spiritual evolutions are all possibilities.
Dr. Suzanne earned her Doctor of Chiropractic from Life University in Georgia and her Bachelors in Sport Science from University of Richmond. She was the founder of Connected Spine, a center for reorganizational healing, located in New York City for 10 years, and now she is overjoyed to be living in Florida and sharing her gifts with the local community. Keep your eyes and ears open for collaborative healing events. The community of healers in this area is powerful and the opportunities for expansion, growth and FUN are everywhere. Where your attention goes your energy flows!
Dr Suzanne has been engaged intensely for the last decade in studying Quantum Energy, personal transformation, and hands on healing medicine She taught western chiropractic principles and learned Traditional Chinese Medicine and eastern energy healing while apprenticing at a hospital in Zi Gong, China. At the Swedish Institute for Health Sciences, she studied sports rehabilitation massage and shiatsu massage techniques. She stepped into public speaking in the fall of 2019 at The Open Center in NYC and 2020 has led her to teach the principles she has learned on her path over Zoom. Dr Suzanne is currently focused on meeting people in this new community, helping people and seeing how she can best be of service in her new home.
To serve pregnant practice members, she studied the Webster technique and her clients not only melt with physical relief, but feel emotionally stabilized and stronger after only a handful of sessions. Many women also report feeling a deeper connection to the baby.
A former Division 1 diver and nationally competing gymnast, Dr. Suzanne is thrilled to have followed her soul’s calling to move to Florida and serve local communities. In her quiet time you can find Suzanne at the beach or singing and spinning on her Peloton.
Together we can change the world!
A Quick Story:
I am incredibly honored and excited by your interest in Connected Spine. I am glad you are here — Network Care transformed my life, and I want to share that gift with you.
In 2010, my goal for a better me was being able to stand up in the morning without pain and without the burden of hateful feelings towards myself and others. Desperate to relieve my suffering, I started regularly seeing a Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) Doctor. She was the first person who understood the deep and subtle connection between physical and emotional pain. Through her NSA and SRI work with me, my life began to change.
After my 8th visit, I noticed “shift happening”. I was singing in my car. Suddenly I was filled with emotion and confusion “when had I stopped singing?” I called my Network Doc with joy and shared my excitement. This was the first genuine ounce of drive for a better me that I had had in years.
Fast forwarding to 2015, my life has expanded far beyond the physical and emotional to an awareness of so much more. Now on most days, I wake up with loving thoughts. My vision expands far beyond myself. I focus on heart-centered service to humanity. I have fulfilling loving relationships. And I wake up thinking of you.
It is a true gift to serve every single person who walks through the doors of this office on their path of healing, growth and change. I invite you to awaken to the best version of yourself.
— Suzanne